Tuesday, February 24, 2009

How to Boost Testosterone and Build Muscle

Human growth hormone and testosterone are necessary for building and repairing of muscle mass. However testosterone levels have dropped significantly in the last twenty years.

Testosterone is a hormone and like other hormones it is created from cholesterol. Cholesterol isn't the bad guy that we have been led to believe, having too low of a cholesterol level can kill you. Cholesterol is important for repair and other necessary functions the body carries out on a daily basis.

There is evidence that low testosterone levels are a risk factor for dementia. Attention, memory, spatial ability, libido, muscle mass, bone density and a sense of well-being are all dependant on adequate levels of testosterone. So it is easy to see why you must keep your testosterone levels up.

Testosterone is what makes you a man. Take a look at these symptoms:

* Fatigue and Depression
* Low Sex Drive
* Physical Weakness
* Excess Fat and Obesity
* Swollen Prostate
* Slipping Mental Capacity
* Muscle and Joint Pain

And there is even more that can be added to this list, low testosterone causes these symptoms and more.

Reliable studies have shown that testosterone Does Not cause prostrate cancer, however it can accelerate hormone dependant cancer of the prostrate.

If lower male hormone levels weren't serious enough, you have an even bigger problem, overload of estrogen. Yeah! That's right the girl hormone.
So where is all this excess estrogen coming from? The short answer is... Everywhere.

There are so many chemical estrogens loose in our environment it's no wonder that men are losing their muscle and growing boobs.

There are two classes of these rogue compounds. First there are the xeno-estrogens.

Xeno-estrogens are chemicals that mimic the action of estrogen in the body. They can be pesticides, herbicides and even the chemicals in your personal care products. By the way your favorite beer contains Xeno-estrogens as well.

Then we have the phyto-estrogens, these are plant-based estrogens. Soy products are one of the worse offenders in this group.

What are we to do if we want to be all that we can be. How do we insure a muscular physic and all the rest that goes with being a man?

Well you can start by eating more protein, especially free range beef, it's loaded with more omega 3 fatty acids and CLA than salmon. In addition free range beef has had no hormones, anti-biotics or grain based feed.

Eat vegetables like: squash, onions, green beans, cabbage, berries, citrus, pineapples, pears, grapes, figs, melons, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds.

There are a couple of supplements that can assist you in removing the excess estrogen compounds, indole-3-carbinol and DIM. Both are found in veggies like cabbage and broccoli, but you would need to eat several pounds of the veggies to get a therapeutic amount.

Next, get off the carbs. You need to get your insulin levels down because high levels increase estrogen production. Maybe you didn't know that you normally have low levels of estrogen, which is OK.

Have your hormone levels checked, clinical evidence suggests that you should shoot for an estrogen level below 100 pc/ml. Testosterone should be well above 400 ng/dl even as much as 850ng/dl isn't too high.

So the secret to increased muscle mass and strength and fitness is simple.
Reduce the estrogen, and increase your testosterone levels.

There is more to building huge muscle mass, but I have given you the basics.

Author : Duane House

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