Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Most Efficient Workout Program to Gain Muscle

Most people who want to burn their excess fat and tighten and tone their bodies simply don't have two hours each day to spend in the gym, doing the bodybuilding workouts that most fitness experts recommend. Machine and strength training are the best choice according to the fitness experts. But one need not have to make the gym one's home for many hours every day just to see slow, barely noticeable results.

It is not about training two hours a day or doing hours of high intensity weight training or an hour and half of cardio, unless that's called for to reach a certain goal or unless that's what one enjoys. It is also not about lifting weights every day. One needs recovery time from intense terms of training.

What you need to do is some moderate exercises enough to break into a sweat, get your breathing heavy and bring your heart rate up-almost every day of the week, most of the year. It could be the popular six-day program alternating weights and cardio every other day with Sundays off. You must choose what you love to do-"˜Just do something everyday' this must be the rule. You should include both strength training and aerobic training each day.

Research says that for fat loss, five days a week for 30 minutes is much superior to three days weekly at 40 minutes even though the total weekly time of the three day exercise is an hour longer. In order to keep the metabolic rate churning, frequent exercise is the key.

Daily exercise is essential to losing weight! It is also very effective at changing a sluggish metabolism into a super-charged metabolism. Ultimately, the amount of exercise you need is the amount it takes to give you the results you want.

Remember the below two points to get success in your weight loss goal:

"¢ One need not be in a gym for hours, body building and intense weight training to stay trim and fit.
"¢ Consistent, regular, daily exercise is needed for weight loss.

Turbulence Training workout program is one of the most efficient and highly recommended workout program. This program comes with a set of bonus workouts specifically for muscle building, bodyweight only exercises, and advanced fat loss workouts.

Author : Nick Mutt

How to Boost Testosterone and Build Muscle

Human growth hormone and testosterone are necessary for building and repairing of muscle mass. However testosterone levels have dropped significantly in the last twenty years.

Testosterone is a hormone and like other hormones it is created from cholesterol. Cholesterol isn't the bad guy that we have been led to believe, having too low of a cholesterol level can kill you. Cholesterol is important for repair and other necessary functions the body carries out on a daily basis.

There is evidence that low testosterone levels are a risk factor for dementia. Attention, memory, spatial ability, libido, muscle mass, bone density and a sense of well-being are all dependant on adequate levels of testosterone. So it is easy to see why you must keep your testosterone levels up.

Testosterone is what makes you a man. Take a look at these symptoms:

* Fatigue and Depression
* Low Sex Drive
* Physical Weakness
* Excess Fat and Obesity
* Swollen Prostate
* Slipping Mental Capacity
* Muscle and Joint Pain

And there is even more that can be added to this list, low testosterone causes these symptoms and more.

Reliable studies have shown that testosterone Does Not cause prostrate cancer, however it can accelerate hormone dependant cancer of the prostrate.

If lower male hormone levels weren't serious enough, you have an even bigger problem, overload of estrogen. Yeah! That's right the girl hormone.
So where is all this excess estrogen coming from? The short answer is... Everywhere.

There are so many chemical estrogens loose in our environment it's no wonder that men are losing their muscle and growing boobs.

There are two classes of these rogue compounds. First there are the xeno-estrogens.

Xeno-estrogens are chemicals that mimic the action of estrogen in the body. They can be pesticides, herbicides and even the chemicals in your personal care products. By the way your favorite beer contains Xeno-estrogens as well.

Then we have the phyto-estrogens, these are plant-based estrogens. Soy products are one of the worse offenders in this group.

What are we to do if we want to be all that we can be. How do we insure a muscular physic and all the rest that goes with being a man?

Well you can start by eating more protein, especially free range beef, it's loaded with more omega 3 fatty acids and CLA than salmon. In addition free range beef has had no hormones, anti-biotics or grain based feed.

Eat vegetables like: squash, onions, green beans, cabbage, berries, citrus, pineapples, pears, grapes, figs, melons, sesame seeds, and pumpkin seeds.

There are a couple of supplements that can assist you in removing the excess estrogen compounds, indole-3-carbinol and DIM. Both are found in veggies like cabbage and broccoli, but you would need to eat several pounds of the veggies to get a therapeutic amount.

Next, get off the carbs. You need to get your insulin levels down because high levels increase estrogen production. Maybe you didn't know that you normally have low levels of estrogen, which is OK.

Have your hormone levels checked, clinical evidence suggests that you should shoot for an estrogen level below 100 pc/ml. Testosterone should be well above 400 ng/dl even as much as 850ng/dl isn't too high.

So the secret to increased muscle mass and strength and fitness is simple.
Reduce the estrogen, and increase your testosterone levels.

There is more to building huge muscle mass, but I have given you the basics.

Author : Duane House

Weight Lifting and Discipline for Teens

If you are the parent of a "troubled teenager" - you may be at your wits end of what you can do to help them. Many child behavior specialists agree that for a teens with certain behavior problems especially those related to attention deficit or defiance disorders, the routine of a regular exercise regimen can do wonders. Weightlifting can be a perfect activity for this. Weightlifting can help focus a teen's attention. It can teach him or her about setting goals and obtaining them. Weightlifting can give a teen focus, an outlet for stress and other aggressive emotions. Weightlifting in a gym environment can teach teens about cooperation and working with others as they spot for other lifters. Building muscle builds self-esteem and confidence two aspects of personality that experts agree are often found lacking in teens with depression or other problems.

Teens who become involved in weightlifting are more likely to participate in other physical activities. And weightlifting will improve their skills in any other sport you can think of. One teen from Summit New Jersey, who says she started lifting at 14 years old, is now 18 and says she is in "incredible" shape. Her lifting gave her the confidence to start taking lessons in her other passion Jazz Dancing, and has enhanced her skill their many fold. She says weightlifting for teenage girls is great - it can keep them in shape, looking and feeling great, and avoid crazy diets and eating disorders.

Experts say developing the discipline associated with a sport like weightlifting can teach teens the importance of keeping their bodies fit and minds mentally alert and can provide a good instructional model for avoiding drug or alcohol abuse. A teen who works with a personal trainer that teaches them to respect their body, is far less likely to abuse it. The importance of having your teen, especially if he or she is seeking the therapeutic effects of weightlifting work with a professional personal trainer cannot be understated. If there is a "dark side" to teens and weightlifting it is that there have been abuse of anabolic steroids by teens who want to grow faster and get bigger. The best way to avoid this to be sure your youth works with a responsible and certified personal trainer.

Of course as your teen becomes a weightlifter he or she will experince all of the physical benefits of weightlifting, and not just an improved outlook on life. Besides the other obvious physical benefits of improved strength and muscle tone, a recent study found that the incidence of diabetes is on the rise in teens. According to a study conducted by The University of California, teens at risk of diabetes could significantly lower that risk through weightlifting and strength training exercises. In people who are overweight especially teens, insulin resistance is a precursor to diabetes. Insulin resistance is when the body does not process insulin properly. The study followed teenage boys who lifted weights twice a week for 16 weeks and concluded that there incidence of insulin resistance was drastically reduced. Of course the study found in the same group of boys that the weightlifting also increased lean muscle mass and decreased body fat percentage.

Author : Deon Melchior

Hydroxycut Side Effects: Be Aware

Hydroxycut represents a diet supplements that have been all the buzz in discussions about weight loss. As more success in helping weight is happening, the bigger is the concern about the side effects that this substance might have on the health of the consumers.

How does Hydroxycut work? It is known that the product, which is made by MuscleTech, a company specialized in supplements, has a thermogenic compound, that makes the metabolism reach a higher level that leads to burning fat easier. Besides this compound, you can find in Hydroxycut many natural and lab made ingredients that are specialized in burning the fat.

When it was first released on the market, Hydroxycut contained Ephedra, but, when the word spread that Ephedra had serious side effects, the company producing Hydroxycut was forced to pull their products off the shelves. In order to minimize the loss, MuscleTech designed an Ephedra free version of Hydroxycut, in order to avoid such side effects be associated with their supplement. The information in this article refers to the Ephedra free version of Hydroxycut.

The advantages of Hydroxycut are many. It can help you burn fat faster, and therefore, lose weight faster. Plus, while you lose weight, you get to have more energy and resistance. When exercising, you will notice that your routine will get better, and you will even develop a loss in appetite, that will also contribute to losing weight.

But this is not the wonder supplement for weight loss. Far from it, in fact. Almost 90 percent of people that used Hydroxycut, also reported that they had experienced serious side effects, so this is an issue to take into consideration.

You will need to know the side effects that you wish to avoid, so here they are:

1. Take in consideration that Hydroxycut is a drug, and, as any other drug, has side effects.

2. A list of Hydroxycut side effects includes nose bleed, hyperactivity, an increase in heart rate and blood pressure, dizziness, head aches and blurred vision. Some people even report that they developed vaginal yeast infections, or acne, or rashes.

3. The changes that occur in the heart activity are among the main reasons of concern about Hydroxycut side effects. Some people feel that their heart jumps and even gets to a stall, while using the supplement.

4. As mentioned earlier, among the side effects there are changes in the level of blood pressure. When blood pressure gets too low, it will affect erections in men, which is another serious reason of concern. This induced impotence is enough reason to think again about using Hydroxycut.

The beneficial effects of Hydroxycut are, in themselves, to be doubted. While using the supplement, many also keep a diet and exercise, so no one can tell if their weight loss is, indeed, triggered by Hydroxycut.

The thing about supplements is that they lose their beneficial effects in time. By taking them every day, you will make your body get used to them and they will no longer have the wanted effect. Plus, if you get to deal with nasty side effects, it is not worth it.

The problem about the masculine erection is even worse with the Ephedra free version of Hydroxycut. It seems that these pills have more effect on diminishing erection than the previous version.

With diet pills, there is always a promise of miraculous weight loss. There are just so many side effects, so you should think twice about putting yourself at risk like that.

Author : Freeda